IMPORTANT NOTICE: COVID-19 Visitor Policy Update


We believe the wellbeing, health and safety of our people, clients, their families and the wider community is of utmost importance. The insights gained through the pandemic are now embedded into our daily processes. We continue to monitor updates from the Australian Government Department of Health regarding COVID-19, just as we do for any government and legislative changes that may impact our service delivery. Our processes are informed by this government advice to ensure we continue to deliver safe and high quality support.

As an employee, continue to advise your local Alliance Nursing branch if you are unwell or test positive to COVID-19 so that any risk can be managed.

For the latest information on COVID-19, please visit the Australian Government Department of Health for guidance utilising some of the website links below or call the National Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 for more information

For any specific concerns or advice, please reach out to your local Alliance Nursing branch.